Waving the White Flag
You know the feeling when you THINK you know the plan? You know, the plan detailing how things will work out? Join the club! Up until now, I was so fixated on how I thought things would pan out, I couldn’t see anything else!
Recently, a friend of mine told me seven words that nearly crushed me. Though later, those seven words began to make sense.
Her words were:
“I just don’t think that [particular opportunity] is for you right now”.
I sat there baffled, a little upset even, but I knew I had to hear her out. Thoughts like the following ran through my mind:
“Girl you TRIPPING”
“That’s not true...”
And finally,
“Maybe you’re right…”,
You see, I was so fixated on what might be a career destination, that I couldn’t see any other pit stops along the way. Let me clarify, I didn’t want to see any necessary pit stops along the way. Momentarily grief fled into the corners of my eyes, as I released a tear in response to her blunt honesty; though followed by a wave of relief! A moment of clarity flooded my conscience. Praise the Lord!
She then began to mention the word “surrendering” and how we must surrender how we think things will look, because in actuality, they may look like something completely different. That was exactly what was happening at this moment. There was some surrendering that needed to take place and I obliged! The act of surrendering has the connotation of loss; something being taken away rather than something to gain. Friends, surrendering is an opportunity to gain insight. The act of surrendering is an opportunity to inquire more of the Lord; what he would have for your life, where he would have you to go, who he would have you to meet, etc. Although it may not be time for that particular opportunity, there was still relief in knowing that there was more to the plan!
Accepting the truth of my friend’s words provided the most clarity I had experienced in a while. You see, surrendering isn’t always bad. Waving the white flag doesn’t always mean you’ve lost.
I was then moved by Jeremiah 10:23-24 (AMP), which reads:
“O Lord, I know that the path of [life of] a man is not in himself;
It is not within [the limited ability of] man [even one at his best] to choose and direct his steps [in life].”
My next steps were not mine to choose, direct, or even imagine! Neither are yours! Our ability, even at our best as scripture says, is so LIMITED compared to the Lord. So why even try? Why try to dictate what the Lord has dominion over? Why be so fixated on one piece of the puzzle that we miss the big picture?
Are you ready to pray?
Father God,
Thank You so much for the plans and purposes you have for my life according to Jeremiah 29:11. Lord, Your Word says that your ways are HIGHER than our ways and Your thoughts are HIGHER than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). So I ask your forgiveness for my limited understanding and I surrender any plans that may be hindering Yours. Lord, help me to do according to Proverbs 3:5-6, to trust you with all my heart and to lean not on my own understanding as I embark on the current chapter of life.
In Jesus’ name I pray,