What it means to Serve a Jealous God?

Y’all ever realize how normalized horoscopes, crystals, palm reading, manifesting, yoga, sage cleansings, drugs, and many things of this nature have become in our everyday lives. I can admit, I fell into the trap of this world, thinking that I could identify with horoscopes, wear waist beads, and serve Father God all at the same time. And unfortunately, many Christians fall subject to THIS mindset which only leads to spiritual adultery and idolatry.

The scriptures are clear, in Exodus 34:14, God calls Himself Jealous and warns the Isrealites of not serving other gods. This is the First Commandment and extends to the greatest commandment that Jesus gave to the Pharisees when they questioned Him (Mark 22:34-38). When we think of jealousy, we think of the negative connotations of this world that includes strife, envy, anger, bitterness and many others. BUT, the Jealousy of our Father is soooo different and so WHOLESOME!

His Jealousy Leads to Relationship

Throughout the many stories in the Bible, I learned that the Lord’s Jealousy is the great zeal and passion He has for His Creation and for them to get to know Him (Hosea 6:6, Jeremiah 24:7). After getting serious with my salvation, I realized how much our Father values relationships and so much so that He allows us to have earthly relationships that model our relationship with Him. Examine yourself, are there people/things in your life that you value, very much so that you don’t want it to be taken or relinquished from you? This is similar to the Agape, unconditional and faithful Love that the Father gives, meaning He does not want ANYTHING to get in the way of your relationship and knowing who He is (James 1:16-18), what He can do (2 Chronicles 20:6-9, Romans 1:20), and how He sees YOU (1 Peter 2:9, Romans 8:17, Epeshians 2:10)

His Will Concerning His Creation

I also realized how much the Lord’s Jealousy reveals His Will and Desire for His creation. A telling of this is the cornerstone of our faith; the coming, dying, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16 says God so loved the world; He GAVE his ONLY begotten Son.. so THAT THE WORLD (all of us) can have life and have it more abundantly. Picture that, the Lord wants us to Himself so much, that He allowed His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for our greater good. His Jealousy for us prompted the bloodshed of Jesus so that we can know Him intimately and be reconciled back to Him after sin entered into the world in the Garden of Eden (Matthew 27:51, 2 Corinthians 5). See, the Lord’s Jealousy reciprocates all that He does for us to know Him and the blessings for those who choose Him (Isaiah 58:11, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10) . One of my fav scriptures always reminds me of this which encourages believers to seek the Kingdom of Heaven FIRST, not second, last or later… and ALL THESE THINGS (your needs, desires, and more!) will be added onto you (Matthew 6:33).

Idolatry & Spiritual Adultery

Okay going full circle, I know above I mentioned spiritual adultery and idolatry so I’ll explain them here. So Colossians 3:5 says “Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed which is idolatry.”

When I think about idolatry, I ultimately think of anything that blocks or deters your relationship with Father God, which is in layman's terms: sin (anything that misses the mark). When you seek accolades and pleasure from things in this world, you replace the Lord's command of Delighting in HIM so HE can give you the DESIRES OF YOUR OWN HEART (Psalm 37:4). When you seek things of this world to experience peace and prosperity, you are positioning them above the TRUTH that the Lord tells us (Philippians 4:6-7). And little do you know, you’re making them your idols and we are spirit beings (1 Corinthians 6:19, 1 Corinthians 15:44) You are practically cheating on the Lord; allowing things that are not Him attempt to take His place. Think about the Israelites and the Golden Calf, they sought something (a god) to go before them because of their impatience (Exodus 32). Now remember before this the Lord had already gone before them and led them out of bondage in Egypt and He STILL had plans to bring them to the Promised Land (that's why He was on Mount Sinai talking to Moses). You see the comparison? 

Let's look at Psalms 115:2-8 (heavy emphasis on verse 8):

2 Why do the nations say,

    “Where is their God?”

3 Our God is in heaven;

    He does whatever pleases Him.

4 But their idols are silver and gold,

    made by human hands.

5 They have mouths, but cannot speak,

    eyes, but cannot see.

6 They have ears, but cannot hear,

    noses, but cannot smell.

7 They have hands, but cannot feel,

    feet, but cannot walk,

    nor can they utter a sound with their throats.



David tells us how basically idols are futile… they have the senses WITHOUT THE ATTRIBUTES. Let that sink in. They check all the boxes, but YET doesn't work. And to take a step further, those who trust in idols or trust in other things to do the work of the Lord will become JUST LIKE THEM; not able to fulfill what you were designed to do. His Jealousy protects us from this. It protects us from becoming useless with no function (Philippians 2:13). His Jealousy will call us HIS OWN and pull us out of the grave and darkness (Ephesians 2:3-5, Psalm 40:1-3) that this world presents. See our Father is a wise God, He created EVERYTHING, so He knows that if we trust in anything but Him, we will be met with a life full of despair which is the complete opposite of His Will shared above (Psalm 146:3-4). His passion to keep us to Himself allows Him to accept us back with open arms when we have gone astray (2 Peter 3:9). He wants to provide, that is His nature, our Jehovah Jireh!

If you feel like you have fallen victim to relying on the things of this world instead of the fulfillment given through our Father, please say the following prayer with me.

Father God, I realize my sin in placing things of this world in the position and Lordship you seek to have in my life. I ask for forgiveness and seek repentance to do better in putting you first and trusting you in everything I do. I ask that you help me to remember to seek your Kingdom in each and everything I do. I come against any works of the enemy leading me to find comfort in the things of this world in Jesus name and open my heart onto you. 


Go in peace! 


False Doctrines

