When you find the Truth…

Being a part of this ministry has taught me many things, but the one thing that I will always cherish is the opportunity to learn and understand the truth of God’s Word. To God be the Glory!

 In two years, I have learned more about the Word of God than ever before having “grown up” in church! Do you know why? Well it’s because, you won’t find the truth (scripturally accurate and spiritually nourishing teaching) just anywhere! Neither will you find ministries that are TRULY led of Holy Spirit just anywhere either. So when you find the truth of God’s Word being taught, hold on like your life depends on it, because it does!

Matthew 13:45-46 AMP reads…‬

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, and upon finding a single pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”  ‭

I love Matthew 13:45-46 because it describes just how precious the truth (of God’s Word is)! We get the sense that it is something not easily found; something of great value. It’s worth everything we have! 

You see, life is way too short to not know the truth, to go to church though never growing in your relationship with the Lord, to “play” with this thing. In fact, the Bible tells us that life is but a vapor! We’ve got one chance to get it right, one chance to truly learn of Him. 

How foolish is it to waste time by not truly knowing and understanding the truth of God’s Word?

Whether you are a part of this ministry or not, be sure that you are yoked with a ministry that teaches the TRUTH of God’s word and is undoubtedly led of Holy Spirit. Once you encounter the Truth, hold on to it, cherish it, sell all you have for it; because chances are, you won’t find anything else like it. 

Let’s pray: 

Dear Father, 

Thank you so much for an opportunity to learn and know the truth of your Word. Lord, that is what this life is all about: to develop a true relationship with you, to know You and Your Word for myself. I pray Father that you would continue revealing to me the mysteries of Your Word and that I may continuously grow in my knowledge and understanding of You. Thank You for Your Word for we know it is the Truth and there is truly nothing like it. I thank You for all that You are, Lord! In Jesus’ name I pray,



The Impact of Decisions: A Domino Effect

